Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Friday, November 24, 2006


...i didnt pass!


"although the pedestrian did not have right of way, you really should have slowed down and tried to aviod hitting him"

im kidding! i hit the kirb on the reverse park....doomed!!


  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger Hannah said…

    palshki, soooooo glad u didnt hit a pedestrian. lol

    Just a kirb, ah well i hate kirbs. Why do we even need them? why cant they be spongey? why do we even need to reverse park, i say go in forwards or not at all.

    Anyway as i always say pal, the best drivers dont pass first time :)xx

  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Lurch Kimded said…

    Shame you didn't pass, always next time.


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