Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Monday, August 29, 2005

am i a closet cleptomaniac?

seriously...yesterday i managed to steal 4 things without even meaning it!!! oops

my sisters hair bauble (i did mean that one actually but i told her i would give her it back....and i know i wont)

a bright pink pencil (it was just in my bag, it says "the girls brigade" on the side....where would that have come from???)

a pen( its someones from work, again it just happened to be in my bag, no idea how, i dont think i put it there though)

a bottle of juice( the woman in the shop obv forgot to charge me for it and i didn't realise til i was back at work, then i felt quite bad)



  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Morgan said…

    I'm very angry with my mother-unlaw because she mysteriously packed/stole an art deco ashtray I own. AND WON'T GIVE IT BACK.

  • At 5:11 PM, Blogger Sam said…

    lol! another clepto!!

    u should just take it back the next time u r round, then if she asks, deny all knowledge!

  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger Sam said…

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