Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

things to avoid at all costs...(another list sam??)

(list inspired by a traumatic experience with a blue bottle!)

...being trapped in confined spaces with a fly/wasp/other winged creature/people who smell/people who are very boring.

...entertaining any conversation which starts with someone telling you that you have a nice smile.

...people on the bus, dont even make eye contact!!(unless you know them, that is occasionally acceptable)

...indoor water fights(lightbulbs will explode)

...boys - they smell

...getting in the shower with a spider

...spilling cups of tea on computer keyboards. (and thats something normal people would do once and learn from)

...singing out loud when wearing earphones.

...thinking about the future, it never ends well.

...making lists too long


  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger Hannah said…

    Loving the list Sammy keep them coming :)
    I agree about indoor water fights
    still recoving from that one!


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