Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Another way to make your day!

...Do things that you weren't allowed to do as a child!!!


1) Stay up late, stay up til tomorrow if you want, no-one will stop you!
2) spend ages on the phone, you have permission from the bill payer!
3) eat an entire advent calender on the 1st december( your flatmate may wish to assist you!)
4) eat dessert when you don't finish your main course! (or just eat dessert instead of your main course)
5) chew gum, even if you hate it, do it in spite of those teachers that gave you saturday morning detention for it (oh wait, was that just me??)
6) Get a pet, or lots depending on how restricted your parental pet control was. I.e if you were only allowed a goldfish...consider an alligator, it could live in your bath. Actually....could that work?hmmm...
7) watch horror films, not on your own though, noone is that grownup!
8) have your friends stay over(even on a school night)or better yet, live with your best friend!
9) have a duvet day without having to go to extreme measures to prove you are actually ill
10) keep a blog,read other peoples blogs and spend half your life on msn, you no longer half to pretend that you need to use the internet to help you with your homework!


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