Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

And why not?

For my entire life i have found it difficult to not sing along when i have headphones in. As a child i used to do it and was severely discouraged from those surrounding me. I still find now that occasionally the odd random note will slip out on the bus etc, much to my mortification, (wow, is that a word? what an amazing word) but generally i manage to keep it in.

Last night i got a train and it was quite late so i was the only person in the carraige. And i thought to myself, I could just sing if i wanted to, so i did, at the top of my lungs, to about 4 different was great, not the singing, but it was very fun! Who knows where i will perform next?

I recommend that if you are ever in a similar siuation that you try it! In fact, I DARE YOU!


  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger Dougleross said…

    Mortification is indeed a word - and a very good death metal band.

  • At 11:31 PM, Blogger Hannah said…

    pal its gr8 wen u sing in the shower.
    Yes i do hear you and there is no better way to start my saturday than to hear u sing. Give your vocal chords some fun. I dare u 2 sing on the bus. A voice like yrs is not meant to be hidden.


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