Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

One for the rant list...

So, Edinburgh Uni contacted me this week. They informed me that 6 of my 8 highers do not count as they were more than 2 years ago.So they won't be offering me a place!

This makes me feel a little bit annoyed!! No-one ever informed me that these qualifications had a use by date.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


I was very excited to read this article in the evening news today!

We have been having a constant gripe about the dog poo in Granton, because it is rediculous. People just dont bother to clean up after thier dogs! And the kids are always getting it on their shoes, so when they come in for clubs....they get it on our carpet!

I hope this actually does make a difference! Im so sick of the poo! We have to constantly look at the ground as we wlak round our community, its just not safe not to!!

It is a bit pathetic that this whole initiative needs to be put in place to solve this problem really.People should take responcibility for there pets, and have respect for there local area!How hard is it to clean up after your dog? Not hard!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

To whom it may concern,

There definately something wrong with the staff room fridge! I dont trust it one bit! If I make a cup of tea I always smell the milk and it often smells really weird. Sometimes it smells sour and when I ask in the kitchen they tell me it hasn't been there long enough to smell sour. The other day it smelled like bleach, which i supposed must have been because someone had cleaned the fridge or something. Today the milk smells like bananas. I dont understand how it can smell of banana's because there are no banana's in the fridge, and there is nothing banana flavoured. I asked the chef for a second opinion and she agreed that it smelled of banana's but this didn't seem to concern her, even though there was no explanation for this. I really need my own fride, and my own milk!

What I'm really trying to say is this...I think someone is trying to poison me. I don't know who and I dont know why!

If I die...its your responcibility to let the police know that they must do tests on the staff room fridge!

Thank you for you attention to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Samantha Gibb

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Go unlimited...

Here are my one word film reviews for January...

Alvin and the chipmunks - cute
PS I love you - pants
St Trinians - fun
I am legend - intense!
The Golden compass - Boring
Dan in real life - good
We own the night - (The first five minutes - actual porn!!)ok(except the first 5 minutes)
Sweeney Todd - Delightful
The good night - Enjoyable

Im sure that made exceptionally good reading.