Green eggs and ham

its a blog...its a load of rubbish!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

things to avoid at all costs...(another list sam??)

(list inspired by a traumatic experience with a blue bottle!)

...being trapped in confined spaces with a fly/wasp/other winged creature/people who smell/people who are very boring.

...entertaining any conversation which starts with someone telling you that you have a nice smile.

...people on the bus, dont even make eye contact!!(unless you know them, that is occasionally acceptable)

...indoor water fights(lightbulbs will explode)

...boys - they smell

...getting in the shower with a spider

...spilling cups of tea on computer keyboards. (and thats something normal people would do once and learn from)

...singing out loud when wearing earphones.

...thinking about the future, it never ends well.

...making lists too long

another sunny day! and im stuck at a desk

im sitting looking out at a sunny day and thinking of the fun things i could be doing in the sunshine. why are saturdays not rainy and miserable so that im not missing out?? so i have been promted to write a poem about saturdays, its also about my youth...this is deep!!!!

saturday used to be my favorite day of the week when i was little
and i used to look forward to the exciting things i could do
the day to do everything and the day to do nothing
unless its the day you have to go to work
ruined forever is the saturday feeling
dread the saturday morning alarm
and now i wish it was still

see what i did there? thats called an acrostic poem!and im going to go and do some work now!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


sometimes i cant sleep

sometimes i think too much

sometimes i wonder if i am insane

sometimes i wish i could see in to the future

sometimes i wish i could change the past

sometimes im too sarcastic

sometimes im too self involved

sometimes my priorities are all wrong

sometimes im too stuborn

sometimes i dont say things when i should

sometimes i say the wrong thing at the wrong time

sometimes i think im a total failure

sometimes i wear fairy wings when i feel sad, even tho im 21

sometimes the only thing i want to do is sing

sometimes i wake up feeling sad

sometimes i play one song on repeat like 20 times

sometimes people make fun of me for having completely irrational fears

sometimes i wonder why i seem to have an obsession with creating lists??

Sunday, June 19, 2005

a sad confession and a bbq on the beach...

last night me, hannah, Kevin and James had a bbq on the crammond beach (which was quite fun with the exception of the sand, which i hate) and i have now dicovered that food fights are dull and boring in comparrison to seaweed fights!!!its actaully minging! Hannah didnt find it as fun i dont think, but then we were kind of bullying her by calling her swamp thing and laughing at the fact that she was stranded on a rock in the sea...and then at the fact she fell in!!

we have left quorn sausages in the sand strategically placed to look like fingers and hopefully traumatise a child today!

and the sad confession...which really is a confession about being sad!...u know that u have reached a new level of sad when not only to u eat ice cream to feel better, but ur friends start buying u the ice cream. (Thanks Kat and Gillian xx)


Saturday, June 18, 2005

forgot to mention...

the most fun magical amazing thing that me and Hannah did yesterday was a bunny harness! so now we can take the bunny for walks and its sooooooooo cute!

one child (a clearly stupid child) actually asked us if the bunny was a puppy?? i think it may take her a while to get used to the pavement but she likes it on the grass. i am also aware of the dangers of her being mauled by a dog :(

anyway...if han and me manage to be technical maybe i will post a picture of the very cute bunny called baby on a walk outside!

Friday, June 17, 2005

food fights are bad!!!

...and the worst thing about food fights is getting custard in your hair!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

ode to putting my brain in a jar beside my bed.

wouldn't it be nice to have a special power,
maybe for a weekend or even just an hour,
to put my brain in a jar beside my bed,
and forget all the worries inside of my head!

wouldnt it be nice to just think of nothing,
as if my head was merely filled with some stuffing,
and i wouldnt feel rubbish and i wouldn't feel sad,
i dont really think it would be all that bad!

practically speaking it cant be done,
which makes me unhappy and it ruins my fun,
cos just for a bit it would be nice to escape,
id just like to give my brain a break.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

today ive been thinking...and it didnt even hurt that much!

its funny how sometimes you think about what your thinking about. Thinking just happens but considering you think without thinking, you actually have to think about what you are thinking before you can express these thoughts.

today ive been thinking about my thinking, because recently i discovered that day- dream sam (thats also me btw) thinks very nostalgically! and infact i go on little journeys through my mind of places, never people, always places! and ive now realised that ive been subconsiously doing this for my entire life!

These are some of the places i go: garage in my old house, which was added when they did the extention and i always stand just at the bit where the door opens to go through to the utility room and my parents bedroom.
...the corridors of my primary school in kirkintilloch, i frequently walk from the cloakroom up the stairs, or walk through the head teachers corridor(not that i spent a long time there in my youth! lol), the tiny room next to the stage, and sitting in the main hall on top of a stack of chairs!
...the cemetary! yip!
...sometimes im in a car driving past an aeroplane, im sure we past one on the way to my grannies house every weekend. grannies house!! tonnes of places!under the dinningroom table is common. grannies garden! i have mini adventures actually, from the hut i walk round to the rockery and hide in the little space there is then realise its a stupid hiding place and climb the tree!

this may be another list i add things to!!btw what a good name for a book! "the places i go when i day dream" v promising methinks!